Practicing Christianity

Christianity is not an abstract ideology or belief system, it is something we do. We grow in faith through practicing faith. When we become members of this body, we commit to offering together our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. In the United Methodist Church, our spiritual growth is organized around these spiritual practices:


We commit to pray daily, allowing God to reshape us in moments of conversation and silence. In prayer we sense God’s guidance for our lives, and find peace and meaning in our lives and in our world. Prayer channels our thoughts and our energy in God. When we do this, we change ourselves and our world.


We are people who show up! We gather regularly in worship celebrations, in small groups for faith-based conversation and in ministry teams for mutual support in service. Just as a person wouldn’t scatter embers and expect them to remain hot, so we commit to re-gathering in these ways to fan the flames of God’s Spirit in each other.


We believe that all of our blessings come from God, and that giving is one of those blessings. Where our commit our resources, we commit our hearts. 1 John 3:17 states it this way: “How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?”

St Paul wrote, “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 2:7) We encourage all members to prayerfully donate as they are able.


Jesus didn’t distinguish between loving God and loving our neighbor – they are one and the same. Service is the heart of Christian faith and practice. At Coralville United Methodist Church we are committed to serving in our church and in our community.

We encourage all church members to serve in ways that reflect who they are. When we use the spiritual gifts and talents God has given us, we are energized rather than exhausted. We come alive spiritually.


Witness is a “churchy” word for sharing our lives and our stories with the people we encounter in our daily lives. We don’t mean shouting through a bullhorn on a street corner – unless you feel you must! Rather, we commit ourselves to witness by listening for opportunities, as they unfold naturally, to share parts of our story and how God is and has been active in our lives. Sometimes we use words, and sometimes we are simply present for another person in his or her need.

What's New

Here are some opportunities for getting and staying connected at CUMC.

Our building is open and all are welcome to attend worship in-person at Coralville UMC! Our worship is on Sunday mornings at 9:30.  To all who are joining us for the first time, welcome!

We will continue streaming live from Facebook on Sunday mornings at 9:30 as well. All are welcome! You can find our Facebook page by clicking the icon at the top of this website. Or, you can find it here: Facebook CoralvilleUMC

Regarding our mask guidance, in keeping with the City of Coralville and Iowa City Community School District, we will follow the new CDC guidelines at our church. Please take good care of yourselves and be loving and respectful toward one another, understanding that our personal health and personal levels of comfort will differ.

We are reserving the group of pews on the far right of the sanctuary as you are facing the altar for those who choose to be especially cautious about masking. 


Now there are three ways for you to make contributions to CUMC!

At Coralville UMC we affirm people of all ages, races, ethnicities, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, physical and mental abilities, and socio-economic status. We believe that prejudice, hatred, or discrimination directed toward any individual or group is contrary to the life and spirit of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, we shall work to eliminate prejudice and discriminatory practices within ourselves and our community, and to show grace, in Jesus’ name.

We stand together in solidarity with the family of George Floyd and with people of color in our congregation, our communities, and around the world. 

You can read the statement released by our Bishop, Laurie Haller, and the Appointive cabinet, here